During the four months of the battle that took place in Hakha Township, Chin State, a helicopter of the Military Council was able to fire until its tail was damaged. Chin Defense Force-Hakha (CDF-Hakha) announced on November 12 that more than 50 small arms were seized.

The military situation was announced in the four months from July 12 to November 12, 2024. During this period, 13 policemen and four military council soldiers, a total of 17 people, surrendered to CDF-Hakha. CDF-Hakha also reported that 53 military council soldiers were killed and 14 wounded during the four months of fighting.

CDF-Hakha also reported that 53 military council soldiers were killed and 14 wounded during the four months of fighting. The Military Council has yet to respond to this statement. CDF-Hakha said that they were able to block the military council forces in Hakha Township from going to help the battles on the Thantlang Township side for 82 days.

It is said that in the battle to capture the camp near Hakha town that happened on October 28, four prisoners of war were captured, including a major-rank officer of the Military Council Army. Locals and Chin defense forces said that during these days, the battles between the Military Council Army and the Chin Revolutionary Forces in Falam, Mindat, and thantlang are continuing, and the Military Council is resisting fiercely.

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