Karen National Union (KNU) source involved in the battle to capture Mae Pali camp has confirmed that 19 Military council members who fled from Mae Pali camp based in Mae Pali village, Bilin Township, Thaton District, Brigade (1) area have been captured. The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)-led joint forces attacked Mae Pali camp on the morning of February 1, 2025 and completely captured the camp a few hours later, capturing military equipment and ammunition.
The KNU central government announced that 19 junta members, including junta members who fled from the camp, have been captured. A source from the junta confirmed that the additional junta members were captured. “However, the exact time of the battle is not known,” the source said. The KNU Central Committee announced that 29 people, including a major and a captain, were killed and 29 others, including a captain, were captured alive in the battle to capture the Mae Pali camp, which was led by Colonel Thet Lwin Oo of the No. 8 Operation Command and No. 405 Infantry Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Sai Thurahtay.
The KNU Central Committee has now captured 19 more prisoners of war, bringing the total number of captured soldiers from the Mae Pali camp to 48. The KNU reported that a total of (42) heavy weapons, including howitzers, small arms, and ammunition were seized from the camp. The KNU also reported today that the small arms were seized from the Mae Pali camp.
According to the photo, at least 12 small arms were seized, making the total number of weapons seized from the Mae Pali camp at least 54. In addition, some sources said that the strategic commander and battalion commander were among the members of the military council who fled, and it is still being investigated whether these officers were among the captured military personnel.

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