September 3, 2023 || Tongsan Media Group ||

Madaya The Authentic Genes Force (MDA-AGF) has resigned from the People’s Defense Force (PDF) under the National Unity Government (NUG), based in Madaya Township, Pyin Oo Lwin District, Mandalay Division, and will stand as a separate force called The Authentic Genetics Force-MADAYA The Authentic Genes Force (MDA-AGF), said Ko Daung Lam, a member of the Madaya Genetics Force.

As for their group, they were responsible for more than two years as the township PDF under NUG from August 20, 2021 to August 31, 2023, and three members from Pyin Oo Lwin District were appointed as replacements in the Madaya Township PDF group, so they decided to resign.

During their two-year tenure as township PDF, they conducted 75 operations, were able to attack and clear 219 members of the Military Council, and were able to acquire and store more than 1,300 different types of weapons and ammunition, Ko Daung Lam said. He said, “This issue is not about division. From the misunderstanding, there was friction. “I hope that the township will become stronger through these frictions,” he said.

MADAYA The Authentic Genes Force (MDA-AGF), which will stand separately, will be led by two members of parliament as patrons, and will work to establish another battalion in addition to the currently established battalion.

MADAYA The Authentic Genes Force (MDA-AGF) also reported that the PDF will withdraw and operate independently, but will fully follow the guidelines of the People’s Defense Army (PDF) of the NUG Ministry of Defense and cooperate with them.

Source: Irrawaddy

Translated in English: Tongsan Admin Team

Hits: 11


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