Locals said that the rise in the water level of the Chindwin River in Kalewa, Sagaing Province has reached its worst level in 30 years. Today, July 8th According to the gauge at 1:30 p.m., the water level of the Chindwin River in Kalewa town has reached about 3.5 feet (106 cm) above the critical water level, and it is estimated that it may rise by 2 feet within the next day and remain above the critical water level in that city.

Worst in 30 years. We are on the roof. It’s still not easy to help. If the water continues to rise, the situation will get worse, said a local from Kalewa town. U Win Naing, who is one of the weather observers, said that regarding the rise of the Chindwin River, the water level of the river in Kachin State, In Tanay town, it has reached the purple level, which is higher than the red level, and it has been reported that the red level has already reached the level of the child’s mouth.

As river water rises are happening all over Myanmar, people living near the river banks and in low-lying areas in the 10 townships of Bahmaw, Shwe Ku, Katha, Thapeih Kyin, Khamti, Hommalin, Phone Pyin, Maw Laik, Kalewa, Minkin, and Moe Kung are advised to be especially careful.

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