August 10, 2023 || Tongsan Media Group ||
Bago Division, Kyauk Thaga Township, yesterday (August 9th) around 1:00 p.m., a 60-strong military column led by the 589th Infantry Battalion of the 4th Military Council and the KNLA The PDF joint special commando force fought and more than 30 members of the military council were killed and many wounded. A large number of weapons and ammunition were seized in No. (2) military area. Police Commander Tin Oo confirmed this.
KNLA, because there is a military council column movement. It is known that the clash occurred while the PDF joint force was taking security outside the village and a fierce battle broke out. It is known that Comrade Kyaw Kyi from the Southern Division No. 2 Military Region, Special Commando Column was killed by a small weapon in the head and a comrade was injured. “We are still clearing the area. During that time, we received 18 weapons yesterday (August 9). I got married at six this morning. We received 24 weapons from the enemy,” said the head of the Special Commando Battalion (Southern Region).
He added that the above battle lasted for 9 hours and that the injured soldier was not in danger. During the battle, a machine gun from the military council army. MA 1 eight arms; One MA 2 One MA3 One MA 4 A mining machine A drone shot 12 ammunition houses; The Special Commando Battalion (Southern Region) reported that they had received a large number of 60-mm bombs and bullets. In the above battle, from the side of the Military Council, Khmer-264 based in Peng za, as well as the military units stationed in Kyauk Thaga town and Tha Htee kone, provided heavy weapons support. It is said that the air force came twice to help.
Since yesterday morning when the fighting was going on the Bawdi Kwen in Kyauk Thaga Township, Nan Zah, Taung Khine. The people of the village groups such as Neng Kone, Tamin Inn Kone, Kyauk Thaga, between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) has issued a warning to people not to travel on the Tamin Ingon, Ta Htee gone roads. When the military council army entered the village of Tamin Ingone in Kyauk Thaga Township for the first time on August 3, the KNLA said, Four members of the military council were killed in an attack by the PDF joint force. Four were still injured.
Source: People’s Spring
Translated: Tongsan Admin Team
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