Nearly 100 bodies have been found after fleeing Mansi town after mass shooting by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). The KIA captured Mansi town on January 8 and fled the town and three battalions of the KIA, and the KIA found bodies of the KIA in pursuit.
“From the 9th to the 14th of January, we found bodies of them who had been shot at. There were also family members of the soldiers among the bodies,” a Kachin source said. Bodies were found scattered all over the route of the escape, including those of women and children.
“The number of those who fled was close to 200. We know that they shot those who wanted to surrender,” the Kachin source said. The remaining members of the Military Council in Mansi fled to join the 47th Battalion and the 21st Military Command Headquarters SAC- 2, in Bhamo, but only about 70 members were able to join the Military Council battalions. Hundreds of the remaining members were killed in the KIA’s pursuit and mutual killing.
The KIA captured the 601st Light Infantry Battalion, 319th Light Infantry Battalion, and the 352nd Artillery Battalion of the Military Council in Mansi town, and the members and families of these battalions fled the town and battalions to the Military Council battalions in Bhamo, where they died. The Military Council has also surrendered some important positions in Bhamo, and the Military Council forces are currently engaged in joint defense within SAC-21.

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