JUly 25, 2023 || Tongsan Media Group ||

The National Unity Government is implementing a military plan called “All Roads to Nay Pyi Taw”. NUG Defense Ministry Secretary U Naing Htoo Aung said that this project is being jointly implemented by the People’s Defense Force PDF and allied ethnic armed groups.

“All roads to Nay Pyi Taw military plan is not only designed for the Nay Pyi Taw area, but it is designed on a national scale, and in this plan, the PDF’s military experience and capabilities are to be improved. “This plan is not based on fantasy, but is drawn up after a systematic review of the current situation,” NUG Defense Minister U Li Mon said in June that this plan is being implemented in conjunction with NUG’s one-year plan.

Padosaw Kaletsay, who had the opportunity to say that KNU is also participating in this project, told RFA. “Since KNU is an alliance in this plan, I can definitely say that we will participate based on what we can do in our area and what we can help with.”

NUG is the Karen National Union (KNU); Kachin Liberation Army (KIA); Chin National Front (CNF); Karenni Army (KA); We are active as an alliance with groups such as the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF). The Military Council has tightened security in Nay Pyi Taw and is increasing military operations in ethnic armed areas that are allied with the NUG government.

On the other hand, it was reported on July 21 that the UWSA Wa State Unity NDAA Myla group and representatives of the SSPP Shan State Development Party are having discussions in Nay Pyi Taw. In Kachin, Colonel Nawbu, in charge of KIA news and information, said that since the end of June, the military council army has been attacking near the KIA headquarters with a force of around 1,000.

“If we talk about a column, there is a line that goes up from Van Mao. The military strength of that line is 700, It is estimated that there will be about 800. We saw that the battalion was about eight. On the Myitkyina side, there were two columns; It is reported that he is punching three times. But some are support. There are also 200 military forces, There will be about 300.”

RFA contacted Military Council spokesman General Zaw Min Tun by telephone to get his opinion on NUG’s military plan, but he has not yet received a response. That’s why I asked U Thein Tun Oo, executive director of the Thanang Strategic Study Group, which is made up of former military officers, and he criticized it as a campaign that cannot succeed.

“Frankly speaking, the military plan that the NUG is talking about, What they do will be there. But for now, according to the news, It can be said that it is a statement issued exclusively for incitement, which cannot be achieved in any way according to the situation on the ground.”

General Min Aung Hlaing, Chairman of the Military Council, said at the Military Council meeting held in Nay Pyi Taw on July 13 that the country still needs security and stability. Dr. Mimi Winbert, a retired lieutenant colonel in the US Army and professor of Asia-Pacific security studies at Hawaii State, said that currently, the armed resistance can threaten Nay Pyi Taw militarily.

“The latest news in Nay Pyi Taw is that they are greatly improving security in Nay Pyi Taw. If you look back at that, they are quite a threat. If they have nothing to fear, nothing needs to change. What I can say is that they are improving security in Nay Pyi Taw because PDFs can be really threatening. In fact, not only in Nay Pyi Taw, but also in the whole country, their control is already very low.”

The chairman of the military council, General Min Aung Hlaing himself, said at the meeting of the National Defense and Security Council on January 31 that there are 198 townships that can be fully controlled out of 330 townships nationwide.

The NUG Ministry of Defense announced in a statement on May 28 that a total of more than 300 regiments and regiments have been formed in 250 townships as well as public defense groups. International security analysts have estimated that the strength of the Burmese Military Council could be between 300,000 and 350,000.

Source: RFA Burmese

Translated: Tongsan Admin Team

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