August 18, 2023 | Tongsan Media Group |

According to local residents, the military council troops fired large and small weapons in Tedim town, Chin State yesterday, August 17, from around 10:00 p.m. until around 2:00 a.m. today. “Last night, I heard the sound of heavy and small arms being fired continuously. As far as I know, 4 or 5 houses were hit. So far, I haven’t heard of people getting hurt. The house has gunshots, glass windows, water storage tanks, and even pots,” said a resident.

It is reported that an unexploded ordnance shell fell in the vicinity of the CMBC church in Tedim town. Locals said that the reason why they heard the continuous firing of heavy weapons and small arms in Tedim town at night is still unknown. On August 16, an armed group drove away from a Double Cap car belonging to the District General Manager under the Military Council in Tedim town.

” Cars are parked at Tedim Construction Avenue. There are also guards there. They went to the monastery that day. At that time, they drove the car calmly. The people there don’t dare to follow behind,” said a resident. Then the military council forces opened fire at night. Similarly, a few days ago, it is known that an armed group seized a hospital manager’s car belonging to Tedim town hospital.

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