July 25, 2023 || Tongsan Media Group ||

Vineyard farmers told that almost every house in Tedim Township, Northern Chin State has a vineyard, and they produce more than 50,000 pounds of grapes a year. The grapes from Limkhai village are being sold to the wine industry. The grape farmers said that they are exporting and selling to Falam and Hakha cities.

But this year, grape growers said that the yield of grapes has decreased compared to previous years. He said that due to the road closures due to the fighting war, the grapes could not be delivered on time, and the road costs were higher because they had to go through other convenient routes.

In addition, the current price of grapes is only MMK. 1,000 per pound, so there is not much profit left, the locals said. According to the grape growers, the income earned during the grape harvest last year was enough to cover the cost of farming and enough to feed the family for a year, but due to the current rise in commodity prices, it is no longer enough.

Source: RFA Burmese

Translated: Tongsan Admin Team

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