According to a video circulating online, members of the Military Council and Pyu Saw Htee arrested and tortured two revolutionary soldiers in Myauk Khin Yan village, Gangaw Township, Magway Province, and burned them alive. The last November 7th, 2023, revolutionary cooperative groups attacked Pyu Saw Htee forces and the Military army in Myauk Khinyan village, and two revolutionary soldiers were captured by the military council during the battle.

It is reported that the army led by the leader of Pyusaw Htee, Mr. Htet Wai Oo, and members of Pyu Saw Htee, beat and tortured the two revolutionary soldiers who had been arrested, took them out in chains, and burned them alive. A resident of Gangaw said that he wants the world to know about this inhuman and brutal killing. The sound of Pyu Saw Htee and the military council troops shouting and celebrating while they were being burned to death can be seen in a video that has spread online.

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