The two Mara armed forces, the Mara Defense Force MDF/MTC and the CDF-Mara force, held a peace and integration dialogue under the leadership of a religious organization, and both parties reached an agreement.

Under the leadership of the Mara Evangelical Church, the officials of the MDF/MTC and CDF-Mara forces met and discussed for 3 days from May 22nd to 24th in Zuangling village of Saiha District, Mizoram State, and reached an agreement on peace and integration, said the Secretary of the MDF/MTC Information Department.

“Mainly, it is done by religious organizations for peace and cooperation. “Peace is fine. In order to reunify, we have to gradually approach the committee again. We have to give at least 2/3 months’ time to do it. We are approaching it by holding on to the principle that there must be only one administration and one army in Mara Land in order to be able to fully cooperate,” he said.

During the meeting, MDF and CDF-Mara agreed on eight (8) positive steps forward. In this agreement, 5 representatives from both forces will form a reunification committee with 5 representatives from the town’s religious leaders. The reunification committee will convene a Mara community council conference to approve the draft and hold elections within 14 days of holding the election.

The MDF and CDF-Mara forces, which were formed by the Mara tribes belonging to the Chin tribe, have been involved in more than 10 battles since the beginning of this year, and there have been casualties on both sides. After the outbreak of bloodshed between the Mara tribes, the religious leaders of the Mara Evangelical Church formed a Peace Commission and conducted peace mediation.

“The main sponsor is that the Mara Evangelical Headquarters said that having 2 armed groups is not comfortable at all, and they invited MBA, BAM, and UPC churches and formed a Peace Commission and did it. This meeting happened only after the Peace Commission met 4/5 times.” MDF/MTC Information Department Secretary said. Currently, the CDF-Mara is an armed force included in the Chinland Council, and the MDF is a Chin Brotherhood member.

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