The Chin Brotherhood- Chairman Salai Htang Chun Phe said that the Chin Brotherhood and its allies are continuing their operation to capture Falam. The operation to capture Falam and Mindat in Chin State was launched simultaneously on November 9, 2024, and Mindat town was captured on December 21, 2024, and only the 268th Battalion remains in control of Falam Township.

“ The offensive is still ongoing. It has not yet been completely captured,” said Salai Htang Chun Phe, who is also the commander-in-chief of the Chin Defense Force (CDF) Mindat, about the more than two-month-old operation to capture Falam. No details of the military situation have been released yet. On the other hand, the Chin Brotherhood has announced that it will continue to capture towns in areas controlled by Chin brotherhood members. Among the cities targeted by Chin Brotherhood is Tedim, where the Chin Brotherhood member PDF Zoland unit is located.

On the other hand, the Tedim Township Council’s defense force PDA which is in military and political cooperation with the Chinland Council, also announced on January 14 that it will launch an operation to capture Tedim with its allies and is preparing for it. The Tedim Township Council also called on the Chin revolutionary forces that want to rid the military council of the town to join the battle to capture the town.

However, the Chin Brotherhood / PDF Zoland, a member of the Chin Brotherhood, announced today that it does not accept the PDA and the Chin National Front (CNF)’s battle to capture Tedim. The Chin Brotherhood / PDF Zoland announced that the Chin Brotherhood has already set up plans to fight the military council forces in Tedim, the capital of the Zomi people, and to turn it into a liberated area, and described the actions of the CNF/CNA and their allies as a political pretext.

The Chinland Council, which is composed of the CNF/CNA, the Chin Defense Force (CDF), and the Chin State Council, which is composed of six CDF groups, have had some conflicts and issues regarding their military operations in the past. The Chinland Council is also a group that is engaged in military operations in collaboration with the Arakan Army (AA).

Recently, a new problem has arisen between the Chinland Council and the Chinland Council regarding the battle for Tetin Township. In order to prevent these problems from escalating, we contacted the Chinland Council and Chin Brotherhood officials today and asked them to stop their political activities without respecting the territory controlled by one group.

“A group that cannot even take a single Kakin and declares that it will take over the town is the same as the Military Council working to attract public interest and distract the Chin Brotherhood, which is preparing to take over the town. We, the Chin Brotherhood, will continue to march according to our military objectives,” said Salai Htan Chun Phe. He also appealed to the public to continue supporting the Chin Brotherhood, which is proving its worth with its work.

Chinland Council member and Chin National Front spokesperson Salai Htet Ni was also asked for his opinion on the issue of the battle to take over Titin town and what should be done to prevent problems between the Chin resistance forces from escalating, but he has not been contacted yet.

Both the Chinland Council and the Chin Brotherhood have vowed to rid Chin State of the Military Council. In addition, both groups have said that unity is needed to reunite the Chin resistance forces, but in practice, the bilateral negotiations have not been implemented and some new problems have arisen.

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