It is reported that Daw Thi Thi Aye (b) May Thi, who is known to have ordered 2 soldiers of the Yaw Peoples Defense Force to be burned alive, was captured by revolutionary groups this morning on February 10th.

Last November 2023, the Military Council and Pyu Saw Htee groups burned alive YDF soldier Pho Tay and his comrade Tha Thaung, and there are reports that Daw Thi Thi Aye, who was arrested this morning, was among the people behind the killing.

“He sleeps in the camp at night and wakes up again in the morning. Officials are currently investigating. They will do it in accordance with the law. A statement will come out at the right time,” said a revolutionary comrade. It is known that Daw Thi Thi Aye is living at Kan Pale village, Kalay District and is a member of the Kalaymyo USDP party. Her husband is also a military officer.

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