During the three years from February 1, 2021 to February 1, 2024, 618 Chin people were killed in Myanmar. In the three years since the coup d’état, the Institute Chin Affairs (ICA) announced that 618 Chin nationals were killed in a statement on February 1 about human rights violations against Chin people and the impact on Chin State.

In Chin State, 39 people were killed in Tonzang Township, 39 people were from Titin Township, 69 people were from Falam Township, 64 people were from Thang Talan Township, 77 people were from Hakha Township, 72 people were from Matupi Township, 98 people were from Min Tut Township, 10 people were killed in Paletwa Township and 13 in Kanpalet Township, a total of 445 Chin people were killed. In addition, ICA reported that 173 Chin nationals died in Sagaing, Magway, Yangon, Mandalay and other areas where Chin nationals live outside of Chin State.

Among those deaths, 28 were killed by landmines, 11 were captured and tortured and their bodies were mutilated, 22 were killed due to lack of medicine, 10 were captured and killed and their bodies were burned, 5 were tortured and killed inside the prison, and 84 were killed by airstrikes. During the three years of the coup d’état, the fighting between the Military Council Army and the Chin Region Defense Forces became more intense.

So far, more than two hundred soldiers of the military council have been killed and 246 members of the revolutionary forces have been killed during the fighting, according to the Institute Chin Affair (ICA). At least 2,154 residential buildings inhabited by the Chin people were destroyed by the military council, and 108 religious buildings were also destroyed by the military council. In addition, since the military coup d’état until now, the prices of consumer goods and food products in Chin State have increased three to five times than before, according to the Institute Chin Affairs (ICA).

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