The Pope sent prayers for countries around the world, including Myanmar, where conflicts are emerging. “Don’t forget to pray for an end to torture and violence in Myanmar, Ukraine, Israel, and the Palestinian territories, and for peace talks to take place,” Pope Francis said at the Vatican on Sunday.

The Pope often sends prayers for peace in war-torn Myanmar, African countries, the Middle East, and Ukraine. The Pope also appealed for an end to violence in Sudan after the military rejected calls to resume peace talks with the militia group Rapid Support Force-RSF.

Sudan held free elections and divided opinion over the transfer of power. The war between the militia group RSF and the army began in 2023, killing thousands of people and displacing 9 million people. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk also said that 18 million people are facing famine in Sudan, including 3.6 million children who are malnourished.

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